What is High Usage?
Anticipate fraud by monitoring your customers service usage
High Usage scenarios cannot be considered as a fraud scenario for the telecom operators, however, from the analysis of those scenarios is possible to get some indicators that combined with others can be useful to anticipate future fraud.
The high usage application will audit and control all the scenarios based in four main indicators groups:

On-Net Usage
Audit all the traffic, based in the CDRs generated at the network switches, to identify and alarm the scenarios where the traffic generated on-net is higher than a define threshold.

Off-Net National Usage
Audit all the traffic, based in the CDRs generated at the network switches, to identify and alarm the scenarios where the traffic generated off-net is higher than a define threshold.

International Usage
Audit all the traffic, based in the CDRs generated at the network switches, to identify and alarm the scenarios where the traffic generated to international numbers is higher than a define threshold.

Visitors Usage
audit all the traffic, based in the CDRs generated at the network switches, to identify and alarm the scenarios where the traffic generated by the roamer in is higher than a define threshold.
How can we detect High Usage of services?
Uncover real mobile service usage

The high usage application contains several engines and for each engine different rules that will be used to identify possible fraud behaviors perpetrated by the subscribers or roamers inbound.
High number of calls and duration generated on-net;
High number of calls and duration generated off-net;
High cost calls generated off-net;
High number of calls and duration generated off-net;
High number of calls and duration to international numbers;
High cost calls generated for international numbers;
High usage traffic of SMS, Data or voice calls for roamers in;
How does RAID.Cloud evaluates the service usage?
Service usage unveils customers behaviors and drivers

High Usage Fraud
Why react when you can anticipate it?
Your insurance policy is a click away
How monitoring the service usage can help?
Know how your services are being used and anticipate abnormal behaviors
Protects your revenues and company reputation delivering a competitive advantage through the detection of frauds allowing you to take the proper action to solve it;
Shorter time to market, register and start;
Improved customer experience using an accumulated understanding of fraud trends to only identify actual fraud incidents rather than “false positives”;
Subscribe one or more apps and built your customized Fraud Management solution according to your needs and budget.
What you get with High Usage App?
Eficient near-real-time network monitoring of traffic
Next-generation services configured out-of-the-box to provide full coverage to Fraud;
Alarm management with a graphical dashboard and insightful email notifications, allows you to take instant awareness of all possible fraud types and behaviors with recommended mitigation.
Detailed alarm status provides to the fraud analysts the ability to perceive the scope of the alarm, but also to mark them if analyzed, helping them to manage their workload.
Detection engines that continually evolve based on the latest fraud trends;
Built-in Hotlist of know fraud numbers and countries provided according to GSMA recommendations;
Allows you to add records in Risky Destinations, External Fraudsters and Subscription Fraudster hotlists;
Whitelist of known customers with abnormal behavior already identified as non-fraudulent to skip the detection engines and reduce false-positives;
Control rules thresholds with near real-time alerts associated;
Network subscriber classification according to: activation date, type of market, customer risk and contract type;
Continuous upgrade to upcoming GSMA recommendations.